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"I have been a regular customer of Julia's for around five years. I find that deep tissue massage relieves shoulder and back tension and pain and Julia always reaches the spots that need it most. I've also had reflexology with Julia which has been unbelievably relaxing."
C.N., Lancaster

"The herbal tincture I received after the consultation really made a difference, which actually surprised me as I had tried lots of other things which were supposed to work and didn't! It settled my tummy and reduced anxiety. I only realised how effective it was when I ran out of the first bottle! Thank you!"
H.H., Warton, Carnforth

"First massage ever and it was fab!"
J. B., Oswaldtwistle

"Over the past four years, I have benefited immensely from Julia's holistic approach to healthcare, wide experience and expertise. She has treated me for a variety of conditions including a severe outbreak of eczema, which healed completely through using herbal remedies and following Julia's dietary advice. Regular massage and reflexology with Julia also plays an important part in keeping me healthy."
A.N., Lancaster

"When I initially came to Julia I was a complete novice to herbal remedies. After many years of struggling with various symptoms including hormonal acne I had tried many different potential solutions including antibiotics, topical creams, changes in diet etc. As nothing seemed to work in the long term, I decided to see Julia after she was recommended to me (by one of her clients). My initial consultation with Julia was extremely thorough which enabled her to find the right remedy mix for me. In terms of effectiveness, I started to see great results after a couple of weeks.
Thanks to Julia's remedies and great support, I have seen excellent sustainable results. I really like the fact that she takes a holistic view of the body and the environment. I would therefore recommend Julia without a doubt. The herbal remedies and her approach have made a big difference.
I can also strongly recommend Julia's massages. She is able to work on the deep tension and I have had great results."
A.M., Lancaster

"Dear Julia
Well, it's been practically a week since my mega detox, and I haven't slipped too far off the wagon. I wanted to say a big 'thank you' to you because I am feeling really good and have more control than I thought possible. I had lost faith in my self-control and you have given me back a bit of confidence, so THANK YOU!"
M. F., London (1/2 a stone lighter!)

Julia Russell Products

"After suffering for several months with severe back pain Julia came highly recommended from a colleague of mine.
My first visit with Julia was extremely beneficial and has helped tremendously in relieving my symptoms. I was thoroughly relaxed almost to the point of falling asleep at the end of this first session and am booked in for a second visit very soon.
Julia has a very polite and professional manner and I would not hesitate to recommend her to friends and family"
J. C., Forton, Lancs

"I have known Julia for around 20 years now and she is my family's "doctor". Julia has treated many ailments for us with huge success. She did some iridology with me and diagnosed there was a problem that turned out to be an ectopic pregnancy. Julia has treated many conditions in our family including chest infections, worms, stress and many more with amazing results. If there is any sign of an ailment we always call Julia for a tried and tested remedy".
D.R., London

"I first came to see Julia as I was suffering from a chronic pulmonary disease and IBS, feeling very tired with low energy levels, terrible digestion and a continuous spate of colds. I couldn't seem to get out of the vicious cycles of energy depletion and illness. Her professional care, treatments and warmth have helped strengthen me both physically and mentally so that I now have the energy to tackle a change in diet: take more charge of my life and be kind to my well-being. Not so easy as I am also a support to my partner who has Parkinson's Disease, which meant that I found it difficult to think about myself properly, or made excuses not to do that. I see this 'care of self' as an on-going process, as its hard to change habits built over years: but I am successfully getting there. I also treat myself to a monthly massage with Julia, as they help to get rid of lactic acid, caused by my breathing problems, as well as general aches and pains. They are blissful and I now think of them as a necessity rather than a pamper!"
A.L., Lancaster

Following a 5 day kidney cleanse with herbal tea, tincture and a food regime.
"This cleanse left me feeling energised, light and clear headed. It also was surprising that I didn't become hungry, and from the cleanse I finally learned how to support my body to maintain a sense of well being.
The process has re-educated me and my new way of eating supports an increased sense of well being which so far I have been able to maintain.
Many thanks."
W.M., Lancaster

"I have relished Julia's lively teaching, her diagnostic massage and reflexology, and her personal detox. A long dark time has just ended for me in a kind of triumph, by virtue of her herbal medicine and wisdom."
I.W., Lancaster

"I felt enveloped by the healing energy emanating from Julia's heart and her home as soon as I crossed over her threshold. She has a unique way of making you feel comfortable. Her knowledge and experience twinkle in her eyes as she peppers you with intimate questions; I found myself openly discussing rather personal bodily functions without a second thought. She is thorough in her assessments, patient with questions, and available during crises. If you want to really get to know your body and feel naturally healed and whole, go see Julia immediately. I highly recommend you let her into your life as a healer, an educator, and a friend."
P.P., Lancaster

"I was fortunate enough to have a massage from Julia 10 years ago and have continued to do so as regularly as possible. Since she left London I have not managed to find anyone I think is as good. I consulted her as a herbalist 3 years later and continue to take remedies she prescribed that enable me to manage life long sluggish digestion. Knowing Julia has been an asset to my well being".
M.E., London

"Your treatments have helped me with various things: soothing a surgery-induced cough (sage yoghurt); lessening generic symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, mouth ulcers, cold sores etc. I took herbal tinctures to help balance my hormones (being a polycystic ovary sufferer) and adrenal glands including agnus castus and ashwaganda, as well as valerian and wild lettuce to reduce anxiety and to aid sleep. I also used sage mouthwash to ease mouth ulcers, and did a liver and bowel cleanse. I experienced improvements in my PCOS symptoms (sometimes heavy, painful, irregular periods; excess body hair), a reduction in anxiety and insomnia, and generally felt better, suffering fewer minor irritants like cold sores and mouth ulcers, as well as fewer episodes of the dreaded freshers' flu, thanks to the preventative remedy I took. The main thing is I felt better overall, and I'd definitely recommend your treatments!"
L.M-F., Lancaster.

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Julia Russell, The Herbal Dispensary, at Unit 4-3, Harpers Mill, White Cross Business Park, Lancaster LA1 4XQ - 07956 422161
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